Thanks for checking out my stuff.
As you can see, I do all kinds. Script stuff. Campaign stuff. Social stuff. Branding stuff. Weird stuff. Very weird stuff. Stuff you’d tell your mum about. Stuff you think about later on, maybe just before a client call or squished under someone’s armpit on the Central Line that makes you smile and look off into the middle distance as you try to remember that creative’s name with all the funny stuff (it’s Georgie McCarthy, by the way).
So if you like my stuff and are looking for a freelance creative copywriter to work on your stuff too—you know what to do. If you're lost then please, scroll down the page and a subhead will direct you.
Feminist tights. Crystals. Football. Fancy deodorant. Alternative milk. Sneakers. Tourism. Life insurance. Subversive alcohol. Charities. Tech.
Work History
Swarovski. Bumble. The Outfit. ECCO Shoes. Refinery29. The&Partnership. DesignStudio. Jungle Creations. Aesop. Keko.
Wunderman Thompson. Common Ventures. Scope Productions.
Campaign and Creative Equals 'Ones to Watch' list
The Majors 'Freelancer of the Year' finalist
DMA - Financial Services (Legal and General)
Don't be a stranger
Or if you're scared of forms (who isn't?) contact me at